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Cockroach Exterminator Cost





How much does Cockroach Exterminator Cost cost?

The average cost for cockroach extermination ranges between $100 and $160 nationwide. The average cost of cockroach extermination can vary, but usually involves an assessment, treatment, and a number follow up visits.

Cockroach infestations are a nightmare. This is a really upsetting discovery, so don't hesitate to get help quickly. If you see one cockroach, chances are many more are hidden throughout the house. Over-the-counter products such as sprays and traps are only temporary and largely ineffective solutions. To truly eliminate the problem and get rid of cockroaches for good, it pays to hire a professional cockroach exterminator. The relief you'll feel once it's all taken care of will be worth it. Most cockroach exterminators will not offer standard pricing because every job is unique. Most will want to assess the situation before giving potential customers a quote; the estimate should be free. Cost factors include the type of treatment, the square footage of the home, the severity of the infestation and whether a customer signs on for regular maintenance visits. Let's have a look at what's involved.

What™s in this cost guide?

  • #flat-rates-for-cockroach-exterminators'>Flat rates for cockroach exterminators
  • #how-size-of-home-affects-cost-of-cockroach-extermination'>How size of home affects cost of cockroach extermination
  • #how-severity-of-infestation-affects-cost-of-cockroach-extermination'>How severity of infestation affects cost of cockroach extermination
  • #types-of-treatment-used-in-cockroach-extermination'>Types of treatment used in cockroach extermination
  • #maintenance-visits-for-cockroach-control'>Maintenance visits for cockroach control
  • #how-to-save-money-on-cockroach-extermination'>How to save money on cockroach extermination

Flat rates for cockroach exterminators

Although the majority of cockroach exterminators don™t offer standard pricing, some do. For example, EZ Pest Solutions of Round Rock, Texas, offers a General Pest Control service for $109 plus tax.

How size of home affects cost of cockroach extermination

The larger the home, the tougher the job for the exterminator. Most professional exterminators, Including Wes Mott Jr. Pest Control of Orange City, Florida, take square footage into account when offering a quote.

How severity of infestation affects cost of cockroach extermination

The more cockroaches that are present, the more difficult and time-consuming the job for the exterminator. Most exterminators assess the severity of the infestation before providing a quote. It takes time for them to do these assessments, but trust us, you won't feel comfortable until you know they've taken care of things properly. Let them take the time to figure out just how serious the situation is so they can plan how best to help you.

Types of treatment used in cockroach extermination

Cockroach exterminators use many different types of treatments, including pesticide foggers to apply in mist form, desiccants that dry out the bugs, neurotoxins, gel baits and roach traps. Costs vary based on the type of treatment used.

Maintenance visits for cockroach control

Many cockroach infestations cannot be eliminated after one visit. As a result, exterminators often provide maintenance plans for monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly follow up visits. In fact, exterminators at Apex Pest Control of Ladson, South Carolina, advise customers to beware of any pest control company that claims it can eliminate cockroaches in one trip.

Apex Pest Control suggests four to six months of treatment. Maintenance plans usually, but not always, involve signing a contract. The return visits are generally much less expensive than the initial visit. Some companies, such as Alamo Pest Management of Fort Worth, Texas, estimate the number of return visits and give a quote, but if they don™t assess a need for return visits and the infestation comes back, they™ll return to treat the situation free of charge.

How to save money on cockroach extermination

If a cockroach infestation is serious and the exterminator recommends it, sign up for a maintenance plan. These household pests are stubborn, and it's worth having the follow up visits to be sure your home is free of them. Even though it will add expense upfront, it will save you from paying full price for visits down the road. Ask the exterminator if any deals or discounts are available for cockroach control. For example, Slate Termite and Pest Control Services of Escondido, California, offers $45 off the initial startup fee when you sign up for a monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly maintenance plan.

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