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Electrical Inspection Cost





How much does Electrical Inspection Cost cost?

Planning for an electrical inspection is a key move when buying or selling property, refinancing a mortgage, examining an existing electrical wiring problem, or just setting up a routine safety checkup. Insurance companies may also require you to have a regular electrical inspection to make sure your home safety is up to par. You can schedule an electrical inspection for a residential, business or commercial building at any time of the year. It™s important to have an electrical inspection once a year as a preventive safety measure, recommends John Caltagirone of A+ Electrical Serviceof Fort Myers, Florida.

Electrical inspections are best performed by a licensed contractor who can recognize potential problems and provide a thorough report on the current status of your home or building™s wiring, explains Jack Harris of Electrical Services Inc. in Land O™ Lakes, Florida. Years of experience help inspectors spot areas of concern before they turn into problems, so hiring a seasoned pro is a wise move. Electrical inspections also help customers save money on electrical bills, explains Caltagirone of A+ Electrical Service, as the pros can make recommendations to improve a home or building™s energy efficiency. If you™re gearing up to improve your home, or are ready for a safety inspection, here are the cost factors for an electrical inspection.

Flat fee

Most inspectors quote a flat fee for performing an electrical inspection rather than charging per hour. For inspections provided for insurance or mortgage companies, many inspectors also issue official documentation recording their findings. 'I provide written proof on professionally printed invoices or proposals featuring my company name, State of Florida license number, and my contact number for proof of service and integrity,' says Harris of Electrical Services Inc. Here is one example of a formal electrical inspection cost:

  • Electrical inspection for an insurance company: $125 from A+ Electrical Service.

Building size

Building size can increase the flat rate, says Harris of Electrical Services Inc, as it takes longer to inspect a larger building.

Free electrical checkups

For residential clients, A+ Electrical Service offers free basic checkups on the safety of a home™s existing electrical systems. A+ Electrical Service also provides feedback on energy efficiency and opportunity for upgrades. Included in this service is tightening connections and checking detectors, lights and outlets inside and out.

Travel fee

For homes outside a set service range, there may be an additional travel fee. Some companies charge a flat rate for travel, while other companies a mileage fee such as $1 per mile of travel outside the service radius.

Home inspection

When buying or refinancing a home, it™s important to have an in-depth understanding of your home™s health. If you need more than just an electrical checkup, a complete home inspection may be in order. Inspections are conducted by certified home inspectors who thoroughly assess your structural systems, electrical systems, plumbing systems and appliances, then provide a detailed report outlining the findings. Here is an example of cost:

  • national price for a home inspection is $355.
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