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Geometry Tutor Prices

How much does Geometry Tutor Prices cost?

The national average cost of geometry tutoring is $35 - $50 for each hour-long lesson. The price will vary depending on the type of geometry tutoring needed, the experience level and qualifications of the math tutor, and if in person, the region where the student is located.

Many students have trouble with math. From algebra and geometry to calculus and trigonometry, this subject can be challenging. If your child is struggling to make sense of right triangles and bisectors, or calculating the circumference of a circle in their geometry classes, hiring a geometry tutor can help them. But difficulties in math class aren't the only reason to hire an in-home tutor: if your student excels in geometry and math, a tutor can help them learn even more than they already do in their high school.

With a tutor, students can get homework help and improve their overall academic performance, or take their math lessons to the next level, before they move on to algebra. Before you search for the right  tutor for your student, get an estimate on how much a geometry tutor will cost and what it includes.

What's in this Cost Guide?

  • #factors'>Geometry tutor cost factors
    • #location'>Location
    • #experience'>Experience
    • #supplies'>Supplies
  • #included'>What's included in a geometry tutoring session
  • #types'>Types of geometry tutoring
  • #save'>Tips to save money on math tutors
  • #find'>How to hire a geometry teacher as a tutor

What Affects the Cost of Hiring a Geometry Tutor?

The cost of a geometry tutor is based on the student's grade level in school, the region where the tutoring is taking place (if in person and not online), the tutor's experience and popularity, and how frequently a student needs tutoring sessions. Although geometry is normally a subject taught in high school, younger students may enroll in tutoring to get ahead.

Most geometry tutors charge by the hour. For example, rates for  A Team in Chesapeake, Virginia, start at $45 an hour.  by Tisa in Atlanta charges $50 an hour for geometry tutoring.  Tutor of Chesapeake, Virginia, charges $40 an hour for one or two students.

Overall, a geometry tutor charges about the same as other types of math tutors. For example, the national average rate for a pre-algebra, algebra 1, algebra 2, or trigonometry home tutor is  hour. Generalized math tutors also range between  hour. More intensive standardized  prep studies and math tutoring average  hour.


If tutors lead sessions in person (versus online), then the region where lessons are being provided affect the hourly price. Tutors in metropolitan areas with a higher cost of living typically charge more for their services.

Experience of the math tutor

The accreditation, experience and popularity of instructor will impact their cost as well. For example,  Presley Education Services starts at $90 an hour for private math lessons since he has a Master's Degree, status as a  Pro, and five star ratings from twenty-five past students.

However, working with a more experienced math teacher has its perks. If they also tutor more advanced math subjects, like trigonometry, algebra 2, or calculus, they might be able to keep teaching your student even after their need for geometry tutoring has ended.


If you don't already have them, some tutors will bundle supplies (like a protractor, compass, or scientific calculator) into their price. Others expect students to purchase supplies separately”either through the tutor or on their own.

What's Included in a Tutoring Lesson?

Successful math tutoring sessions are personalized, integrate mathematical concepts aligned with the interests of the student, improve the student's strengths, and work to minimize their weaknesses, according to 

Most geometry tutors focus their first session on learning about the needs of the student and talk about their math goals.

Future lessons are typically focused on helping the student with homework, test preparation, or specific math topics outlined at the start of the tutoring arrangement.

Types of Geometry Tutoring

There are a few different types of math tutoring to consider. Keep in mind that maintenance, enrichment, and remediation tend to be less expensive than test preparation.

Types of TutoringExplanation
MaintenanceSustain a student's existing progress with learning geometry, addressing problem areas before they hold them back in school.
Test PrepPractice the necessary skills to pass standardized tests that include geometry like the SATs or GRE. This is especially important for high school students studying for college entrance exams.
EnrichmentWhen students express interest in area of math not explored in school or if they'd like to be challenged beyond their grade's requirements.
RemediationTeach a student relevant geometry skills to address a gap in their learning, improve their homework or exam scores or help bring them back on track with their grade level.

How Can You Save Money on Geometry Tutors?

Getting help outside the classroom doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. Below are a few tips to save money on hiring a professional to teach one-on-one geometry lessons:

Split the cost with another student

The easiest way to save money on a private geometry tutor is to find classmates who also want to improve their geometry skills. Work with them to split the cost of tutoring with group sessions. An alternative to one-on-one sessions, group learning allows a tutor to teach multiple students for a reduced rate.

Book multiple lessons at once

Many tutors and tutoring centers offer discounts when a student books multiple sessions at once. For example,  Math with Louise in St. Louis, MO offers a discount rate when you purchase 10 sessions.

We Lift You Up Tutoring in Boca Raton, Florida, offers a 10% discount to students who pay monthly after establishing a lesson schedule.

Sign up for multiple lessons per week

Some math tutors offer discounted rates to students who work with them more than one day per week. For example,  Tutoring in Johnson City, Tennessee, charges $48 for the first hour of tutoring in a given week and then $36 per hour for each additional hour during the same week.

How to Find and Hire a Geometry Tutor

Finding the right teacher to help your child with their geometry skills is important. Before you select a math tutor to help your child with their geometry studies, be sure to use the following tips.

You want an instructor who has experience teaching geometry and working with students in the same grade level. A tutor who has only worked with college kids may not be the right fit for a K-12 student.

Decide on remote or in-person tutoring

You can get tutoring in person -- either in-home or at a tutoring center -- or look for an online geometry tutor. Depending on the needs of the student, see which tutors offer remote, in-person or both options to students. Online geometry tutors are a good option if you don't have any nearby or you want to reduce costs.

Reference their credentials

View their profile or company website to understand their experience and certifications in math. Do they have a bachelors degree or masters? Are they a licensed teacher? Or a particularly advanced math student? While additional credentials may mean you're getting a more qualified tutor, they might also increase the price.

Read their reviews

Analyze how many reviews have been left for each tutor, the number of positive ratings they've received, read the comments with each review, and above-all, take note of how the tutor responds to these reviews. These will give you a good sense about their style of teaching and past experience.

Conduct a phone interview

Talk to the tutoring professional to ensure they're the right match for the student, aligning their experience with the learners needs.

Learning mathematics is often challenging, but hiring a tutor to help your student outside of the classroom can help them make sense of complicated concepts in a one-on-one setting, and excel in geometry and beyond.

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